Sunday, November 21, 2010

Some kind advice on investments from Dr. Wong Lian Aik

Dr. Wong Lian Aik is my teacher for the Advanced Written English. During the classes, he not only teaches us the knowledge regarding how to write a thesis, but also gives us some excellent advices on life. The following is the summary of his advices. Hope I can master them.
Do you still remember what I said to you at the beginning of the semester regarding the investments in your life?  I'd like to repeat them as follows:
*Knowledge and skills in your area(s) of specialization (For this, you should be proud of yourselves for having reached the highest level of education – Ph.D.)
*Ability to read and write, and communicate effectively  (Most of you have done well in this although there is still scope for improvement, especially in your spoken English for some among you.)
*Relationships/networking (This is important for your career development and you should start building on this if you have not done much in this area.)
*Finance management (If you have not had a financial plan for your life, start immediately.  Begin by putting away some money in a fixed deposit with a reputable bank or some very safe instrument every month.  The earlier you do this, the better it would be for your life.  When you are more established in your career and financially, you can take more calculated risks for better returns over mid and longer terms.)
*Physical and spiritual health  (This is as important as the other four, if not more important.  Set a noble vision, have a faith, eat wisely and exercise often.  This will give you the courage and strength to go on your life journey and become happy human beings.)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fast Tool Servo Diamond Turning of micro-structured surfaces

    Fast Tool Servo (FTS) Diamond Turning is increasingly becoming an important technique for fabrication of micro-structured surfaces (or free-form surface, non-axisymmetrical surfaces, etc). It differs from the conventional diamond turning in that an additional axis, which is named Fast Tool Servo (FTS) or Slow Slide Servo (SSS), is integrated into the conventional diamond turning machine. The newly integrated axis is able to move the cutting tool in and out of the workpiece rapidly within one spindle rotation. The mainly difference between FTS and SSS is the their bandwidth. The bandwidth for SSS is normally below 100 Hz [1], while the bandwidth for FTS can go up to 10 kHz (the normal bandwidth is serveral kHz) [2-5] depending on the types of actuators used and the structural design.In addition, the stroke for the FTS is normally very small within micrometer range, while the stroke for the SSS is in millimeter range.Therefore, FTS diamond turning is limited to machine surfaces with feature height below 1 mm.
    A FTS diamond turning machined is developed at the Advanced Manufacturing Lab at National University of Singapore as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 is a closer view of the machine. A piezoelectric type FTS was developed and integrated into a miniature lathe [6] to realized the function of machining micro-structured surfaces.  
Fig.1 A photo for the self-developed FTS Diamond Turning machine at Advanced Manufacturing Lab, National University of Singapore.
Fig.2 A closer view of the FTS Diamond Turning machine.

    Some typical examples of the fabricated micro-structured surfaces are micro-lens array, aspheric lens, Fresnel lenses, sinusoidal grid, etc. Fig. 3 shows a photo of a fabricated micro-lens array. It was measured by whitelight interferometer and an example of the measured result is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the micro-lens array was successfully fabricated with good surface fidelity. 

Fig.3 Photo of a fabricated micro-lens array
Fig. 4 Measurement of portion of the micro-lens array
    To explore the capability of the FTS diamond turning machine, my photo as shown in Fig. 5 is used to generate motion command for fabrication. The machined surface was once again measured by Vecco White-light Interferometer. 2D and 3D view of the measured surface are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively.
Fig. 5 My photo used for machining.
Fig. 6 2D view of the machined surface measured by Veeco Whitelight interferometer.

Fig. 7 3D view of the machined surface.

[2]Lu, X.-. and D.L. Trumper, Ultrafast Tool Servos for Diamond Turning. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2005. 54(1): p. 383-388.
[3] Trumper, D. and X. Lu, Fast Tool Servos: Advances in Precision, Acceleration, and Bandwidth. Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems, 2007: p. 11-19.
[4] Yu D.P., Gan S.W., Wong Y.S., Rahman M., and Hong G.S., "Design of a Fast tool servo based Diamond Turning Machine for Fabricating Micro-structured Surfaces," Key Engineering Materials, 443, pp. 669-674, 2010.
[5] Yu D.P., Gan S.W., Wong Y.S., Rahman M., and Hong G.S., "An Optimization Approach for Tool Path Generation of Micro-structured Surfaces in FTS-based Diamond Turning," The 3rd international conference of Asian Society for precision engineering and nanotechnology, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2009.
[6] Gan S.W., Rahman M., and Lim H.S., "Development of a fine tool servo with force monitoring system for nanomachining applications," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 27-3, pp. 1272-1277, 2009.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reading Notes for "水煮三国"


1. 时间管理的技巧:大约可以分为高、中、低三个层次。低层次的管理技巧着重利用便条和备忘录,在忙碌中自行调配时间和精力。中层次的管理技巧强调行事历与日程表,反映时间管理已注意到规划的重要性。高层次的管理技巧讲究对事务的分类处理,按轻重缓急进行优先解决。在这三种层次中,由于工作量和工作对专业的要求,都有一个授权的问题。
紧急 不紧急
A(碎石型的事务) B(石块型的事务)
* 危机 * 发掘新机会
* 急迫的问题 * 规划
* 有期限压力的计划 * 改进产能
* 建立伙伴关系
* 防患于未然
C(细沙型的事务) D(水型的事务)
* 不速之客的接待 * 一些可做可不做的杂事
* 某些信件、文件、电话的处理 * 一些不必要的应酬
* 某些会议的出席 * 有趣的活动
* 某些必要而不重要的会议、活动

2. 自助者天助:自助与天助之间究竟有什么关系呢?

3. 如果说这一盒沙子就像我们面对的生活、挫折和枯燥的书本,那么,这块磁铁就是一颗充满爱的心。心在哪里,你的财富就在哪里—如果你有一颗充满爱的心,那么,它会在你的书本里、在你的生活中寻找,从中找到许多有益身心的知识,就像磁铁能吸出铁屑一样。但是,一颗不懂得爱的心却像你的手指,它在沙子里面找呀找,可怎么也找不到一点点铁屑。难道不是吗?同学们,只要你有一颗热爱生活的心灵,你就总是能够发现,每一天都有收获,每一天都有积累,每一天都有值得高兴的事情。 心在哪里,你的财富就在哪里—不论你们今后遇到怎样的困难、怎样的逆境、怎样的迷茫,都要相信这句至理名言。不论何时何地,只要有一颗真正的爱心,你们就能像磁铁一样,吸引到有用的资源、美好的事物以及幸福的生活。

4. 做个受欢迎的人

5. 让心灵充满激情